Sunday, March 13, 2011

You got style.

This really highlights my acne scars, but I like this pic.
Why am I standing like this?

The customer service girl at Sam's Club actually said that to me today. She also asked where to get my shoes, and complimented me on my blouse. It was one of the high points in an otherwise not so good day. We're on a tight budget. I'm an unemployed student, so that sort of goes without saying. And my sister is having a baby this week, and Peter's niece is (possibly, now with the horrible earthquake and tsunami) going away to Japan for a year. We were supposed to visit our families up north this weekend. So, we took the car in to get the tires rotated and balanced. And ended up having to get two new tires. One of our tires had a horrifying giant bald spot, complete with wires showing through. I really don't understand  how they got so bad, because we were very recently told by our mechanic that the tires has a lot of life left in them. I know I'm truly lucky to have all that I do, but it still breaks my heart knowing we'll be missing such big important family events over money.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

30 for 30 Fail

So, my attempt to join the 30 for 30 was a massive fail. BUT! In the past 30 days, I have taken midterms and... moved out to the middle of nowhere. Surrounded by farms and so far out our cell phones don't work...

Here's what I wore today. This one is for you, Mom. I'm too embarrassed to post these on Facebook for you to see like I promised, so I'm back to blogging.
Denim Jacket- Levi's
Floral Tank- Lane Bryant
Pencil Skirt- Kiyonna
Wedges- Corso Como

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1 of 30

The second picture is so bizarre, but made me smile. I was bored with the picture taking process and wanted to finish my homework. I totally think this needs a belt. I've lost some weight, so my black belt doesn't fit anymore, and I was running late so didn't bother to try on anything else. I'm wearing accessories... earrings and a necklace... but they don't really show up.

I was originally wearing tights with this outfit. I didn't put too much thought into what I was going to wear, I just grabbed some stuff of the pile since I was rushing. My 30 for 30 clothes are in a pile on my dining room table from last night's picture taking extravaganza. Anyway, so I wore tights. The weather was alright, not cold enough to need a coat and I knew I'd be walking a few blocks. I had an appointment for some waxing. After the appointment, I went to put my tights back on and the esthetician stopped me. "I wouldn't put those on!" Her reasoning was sound, and I felt like silly... Who wears tights to a bikini wax? So I ended up walking several blocks barelegged in the middle of winter. Thanks goodness for weird weather today.

My 30 for 30 Picks

So today marks the beginning of Kendi's 30 for 30 Challenge. I started following her blog sometime last year, and have watched her and some other bloggers participate but have never joined in myself. This time I decided to because as I try and develop a sense of style, I find myself wanting to shop more and more. I think this will be a great exercise in being creative and frugal, two things I definitely need to work on.

The rules are pretty simple. Check out the link above for a more in depth explanation. I picked 30 items for my closet. Accessories, underpinnings, purses, and the like don't count. Shoes, dresses, tops, bottoms do. I remix them into 30 outfits over the next 30 or so days. I have a pretty small wardrobe, so if you've read any of my previous posts you've probably seen some of these before. Click the image for a more detailed view.

Breakdown by item type: 1 pair of jeans, 2 jackets, 5 cardigans, 5 pairs of shoes, 5 skirts, 6 dresses, and 6 shirts.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Waiting for Spring...

Today we're having lovely unseasonably warm weather. I wish it would last, but I expect there will be a few more snow days before Winter is officially over.

I made a little set with the outfit I wish I was wearing today.... The dress and shoes are on the way, and I don't own the necklace. Well, don't own it yet at least. It's been on my wish list for a while, I should pick it up sometime.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Warby Parker Review

I bought my Warby Parker Harpers back in August, but it seems like the company is getting quite a bit of notice lately so I thought I'd do a review.

I was shopping for a pair of glasses, and saw someone mention Warby Parker on a forum. The price was right, that's for sure. My last pair of glasses, which I ended up losing, cost me around $500 dollars. I don't have health insurance, and have very bad eyes. So, glasses for $95 (plus $30 because I need high index lenses)? Yes, please!

My only problem with my order is the "optional" pupillary distance wasn't optional.The same day I placed my order, August 18, I received an e-mail explaining that they'd like this information before they processed my order, and that any optometrist would do it for free.

So I started calling around. I couldn't find an optometrist who would be willing to take this measurement for free. They'd do it if I made an appointment for an annual checkup, or if I were going to be buying glasses from them. I tried Target (which is where I get my exams), Lenscrafters, Walmart, Sam's Club, and a handful of local places.

I called Warby Parker and informed them of this issue. I got a snarky guy with an attitude problem, asking me if I was sure I was asking for the right thing and saying Lenscrafters does it all the time. Well, not the 3 Lenscrafters I called. So... Peter ended up measuring the distance with a tape measure and I gave them that measurement. I should say customer service is a huge deal for me, and the only encounter I had with their CS left a bad impression.

My glasses arrived on August 31. Not bad turnaround time, especially with the delay. They're light on my face and still look brand new even though I wear them all the freakin' time. No scratches or signs or wear on the lenses either. I plan to buy a second pair sometime soon (I'm thinking either Zagg or Miles), and I recommend them to anyone I know who's looking for a pair of glasses. Just make sure to get your pupillary distance measured!
August 31.

December 4.
Also worth noting is that for ever pair of glasses Warby Parker sells they donate a pair of glasses to someone in need. Read more about that here. And here is the link for the Warby Parker homepage.

Monday, January 24, 2011

On Breaks and Pajamas

I haven't updated with a proper post in quite a long time.

I took an unintentional break starting in December. I got busy with finals, then took a two week long trip to Texas to visit my family for the holidays.

 We got back the first and I have frankly been ridiculously lazy. Still living out of my suitcase and our Christmas tree was still up until last weekend lazy.

Since I am a jobless full time student taking online classes, and we're still catching up financially after our trip, I rarely have the need to get dressed/ go out anymore, exceot to the gym or grocery store. I spend a lot of time in my pjs. I'm planning to participate in Kendi's 30 for 30 Challenge next month, just to make sure I get dressed everyday.

I'll end this with a couple pictures from my trip. And I'll be back on track with the blogging soon enough. (Click the pictures to enlarge.)
Gotta love my grandma's umbrella.
Enjoying some amazing Vietnamese food.

Outside of Brian's BBQ in Clute, Texas. I dream about this place, the food is sooo good.

Me, Grandma Bunny, and Charles.

Me and Peter.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pay It Forward

I've been on an unintentional break lately (more on that later) but want to take a moment to post about this pay it forward. I've seen it on various blogs and found a chance to participate through mel&trolley. I dig her style, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what she comes up with. Anyway, onto the details!

I promise to make something handmade for the first five people who comment.

They must in turn post this and make something for the first five who comment on their status.

The rules are it has to be handmade by you, and they must receive it before 2011 ends.

If you're interested, leave me a comment with your e-mail address. I'm willing to ship anywhere!